Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Lesson 2(How to perform a Shri Ganesha Prayer ritual in english)

sorry that I am posting this late in the day but here is the instructions on how to perform your very own Shri Ganesha Prayer Ritual known  as an "Araati or Aarti" Last Tuesday Lesson 1was given discussing how to set up and prepare for your new Shri Ganesha Shrine and what type of offerings would be appropriate as well what type of mala you would need and where to obtain your own Shri Ganesha Ritual mala! if you have any questions about this or past lessons please leave a comment or send me an email shri_saman_lee@shri-shiva-shaktinath.com

Lesson 2

early in the morning at sunrise, at 12 noon or early in the evening at sunset(the time at which you can perform this prayer ritual is not of huge importance as long as you pick a time that you can do this ritual at the same time every day, the times I listed are just prefered times but everyones daily schedual is not the same and it may not be possible for you to perform ritual at prefered times listed so the time you choose is really up to you!) so after a calming bath or shower, dress in clean light comfortable clothing! should be red in color. prepare your offerings and arrange them on your large plate or serving tray.  items to be placed on tray should include the following 1 stick of incense, at least 4 red flowers, dried fruit(or raisens)placed in to paper confection cups, sugar milk(made with a teaspoon of sugar) placed into small dixie cups, two dixie cups of water, adornments for ganesh; flower garlands, malas etc... refer to Lesson 1 for full list of appropriate offerings and tools( it is not required to offer all items listed in the lessons or the actual ritual the only items you should have every time are water, food offering, incense, candle(light), and flowers.) you will also need a lighter or matches to light the candle and incense. with your tray of offerings and ritual items sit in a comfortable position(cross legged or what is most comfortable and a position you will be able to meditate in. keep eveything within easy reach and do not place the offering tray or lighters on alter when you make the individual offerings durring the ritual you can place them individually onto the alter as they are being offered ok you are ready to begin! :)

you may want to print the actual ritual

Ganesha Arati

(Ring the bell for each salutation)

I Salute the Lord and Remover of Obstacles

I Salute The Guru

I Salute the Goddess who is seated upon the tongue guiding speech

I Salute the Family Gods and Goddess’s

I Salute my personal Gods and Godess’s

I Salute the God who is the form of father and
the Goddess who is the form of Mother

24 great aspects of Vishnu:

I Salute Transcendental wisdom, I am one with God(sip water)

I Salute Ultimate Beatification, I am one with God(sip water)

I Salute Noble prosperity, I am one with God (sip water)

I Salute the Removal of Obstacles

I Salute Universal Consciousness

I Salute the Elimination of the selfish ego

I Salute the knowing the three worlds

I Salute the Obtainment of humility and natural virtue

I Salute the Obtainment of spiritual and material wealth

I Salute the Control of the five senses

I Salute the Blossoming of the navel lotus

I Salute God revealed in preferred form

I Salute the Principle of attraction blossoming

I Salute the All Pervadeing one

I Salute Becoming the Divine Heir

I Salute the light of god shining through us

I Salute God revealed through the transcendental person.

I Salute the opening of the third eye

I Salute the destruction of Evil propensities

I Salute the blossoming of Invincibility

I Salute Seeing God in everything

I Salute your Lordship blossoming

I Salute Supreme bliss

I Salute Krishna the divine

sprinkle water on yourself and on the image of lord Ganesh with a flower or leaf.

Foot bath:(dip your right middle finger into the water and touch Lord Ganesh’s feet)
om we bow to Lord Ganapati, the lord of obstacles and
offer water to wash your holy feet.

Water for washing hands and mouth:(dip your right middle finger into the water and touch Lord Ganesh’s hands and mouth)
Om we bow to Lord Ganapati, the Lord of obstacles and
offer water to wash your hands and mouth.

Scented Oil:(place a small amount of scented oil on your right middle finger and touch Lord Ganesh’s hands feet and third eye. If using a yantra DO NOT touch yantra with scented oil)
Om we bow to Lord Ganapati, the Lord of obstacles with
this offering of scented oil.

Rudraksha Mala:
Om we bow to Lord Ganapati, the Lord of obstacles
with this offering of a Rudraksha mala.

Om we bow to Lord Ganapati, the Lord of obstacles
with this offering of a mala.

Om we bow to Lord Ganapati, the Lord of obstacles
with this offering of ornaments.
Om we bow to Lord Ganapati, the Lord of obstacles
with this offering of fine clothing.
Om we bow to Lord Ganapati, the Lord of obstacles
with this offering of ornaments.
Flower Garland:
Om we bow to Lord Ganapati, the Lord of obstacles
with this offering of a flower garland.
Wrist mala:
Om we bow to Lord Ganapati, the Lord of obstacles
with this offering of a mala for your wrist.
Om we bow to Lord Ganapati, the Lord of obstacles
with this offering of crown for your head.
with this offering of flowers we bow to Lord Ganapati,
the Lord of obstacles. (say for each flower offering)
(wave incense around deity and chant the following mantra:)
Om we bow to Lord Ganapati, the Lord of obstacles
with this offering incense
(Light candle and gently wave in front of deity in a clockwise circular motion and say the following prayer:)
Om we bow to Lord Ganapati, the Lord of obstacles
with this offering of light.
(sprinkle water with your right hand over all food offerings while saying the following prayer and offer food:)
Om we bow to Lord Ganapati, the Lord of obstacles
with this offering of food.


Aum Gam Ganapataye Namah(108 times)
and then meditate on the presence of the God.

::Ganesh Mantras and Jappa instructions::
the first one is the most simple and a single syllable
it is Ganesh’s Bija Mantra “GAM” pronounced Gum
like chewing gum we recommend u begin chanting
this mantra first 108 times each day for at least 40 days
and then move on to his main mantra...the Next Mantra
 is Ganesh’s main Mantra it is:
pronounced Om gum gawn a pot eye yay na ma...this
is a most powerful mantra and will ensure the blessings
of Lord Ganesh. he is the lord of obstacles, the lord of
education, the gate keeper! He will bring with him
blessings of Good Fortune, Good luck And Success!!

::how to chant::
for best results we recommend you sit down at a quite
time in a quiet place facing west it does not matter how
you sit as long as you are comfortable and relaxed. with
your eyes closed and holding the mala in your right hand
in between the tips of your thumb and middle finger. say the
mantra for each bead on the mala while pulling the beads toward
yourself and down starting with the first bead just after the guru
bead and stop just before the guru bead, do not count the guru bead....for a total of 108 chants
you may chant the mantra out loud or quietly in your mind.

Waveing of the Light:
(Wave the candle in a clockwise circular motion in front of Ganesh and chant the following mantra out loud 3 times)
Aum Gam Ganapataye Namah

with this offering of flowers we bow to Lord Ganapati,
the Lord of obstacles.

Concluding Prayer:
You are Father You are Mother
you are Relative and Friend
you are wisdom and wealth
you are everything, Oh God Supreme
Everything which I may have
done through thought, word
or deed, through habit or Karma,
I offer to you, Lord of all forms
Lead us from unreality to reality
From darkness to light
From death to immortality
Om shanti shanti shanti(pronounced OM SHAWN TEE, SHAWN TEE, SHAWN TEE)
Wave Main dipa or Araati Lamp in front of Deity and sing or chant;
Jaya Jaya Ganesha pronounced Jie ya Jie ya Gun nay sha

perform this ritual daily or atleast offer a flower daily and do jappa of the Mantra, and offer the full ritual every tuesday. continueing this for 48 days will give you Siddhi of Lord Ganesh! and you will have completed the first part of intiation onto the path. its that simple!! :) If you have any questions or concerns about this ritual please feel free to contact me either by leaving a comment or through email shri_saman_lee@shri-shiva-shaktinath.com tomorrow Weds the 13th of July 2011 I will post a video of this prayer ritual being performed from start to finish in english and some example pics of offering trays!! AUM GAM GANAPATAYE NAMAH!! may the blessings of Lord Ganesh be upon you..

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