Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Holy days and festivals of Lord Ganesh!

Ganesh's holy day every week is Tuesday! all sadhannas and rituals associated with Ganesh should begin on this day!

Ganesh also has a holy day which only occurs a few times a year known as Ganesh Chauth which occurs on the 4th day after the new moon and is only observed if this day falls on a Tuesday! the next one for 2011 occurs on November 29th

Ganesh's Main Festival is Ganesh Chauthurthi Ganesh's Birthday! according to myth this is the time in which Lord Ganesh was born into existence! and falls in the Hindu month of Bhaadrapada, starting on the shukla chaturthi (fourth day of the waxing moon period or 4th day after the new moon). This typically comes sometime between 20th of August and 15th of September. The festival lasts for 10 days and is celebrated with much grandeur and festivities! it kicks off the festival season in India! usually people will set up a special shrine in a central location in the home just for this festival at the center of that shrine a colorful clay image of Lord Ganesh! that is worshiped with ritual, offerings and songs, music and dance for the entire 10 day festival on the last day it is tradition to submerge the image in a natural body of water which symblizes his return to the cosmos! this year Ganesh Chauturthi begins on September 2nd 2011...
Pancha Ganapati is a western festival for Ganesh it is a gift giving festival that was started so Hindu immigrants could join in the festivities of the Western worlds holiday season, especially the children! and is celebrated for 5 days from the 21 through the 25th of December! a shrine with Lord Ganesh as Pancha Ganapati(Lord Ganesh with 5 heads) is set up in a central main spot in the home(like the Christmas tree) and decorated with many colors and twinkling lights! or a new popular shrine is the western tradition of a Christmas tree decorated with symbols and images of Lord Ganesh with a 5 pointed star at the top! each day Ganesha puja is performed and gifts are placed at the shrine or placed under the tree; gifts for friends, family members, co workers and neighbors! as well as the poor and charitable gifts! it is also a custom during this time to volunteer or give gifts to family's and children in need! as Ganesh Favours Charity! on the last day the family's gifts are opened and enjoyed!:)

even though this is a non Hindu path its still fun to enjoy in Lord Ganesh's Hindu Festivals and recognize his holy days associated with Hindu tradition!! for a Tantric these are important times  in which Rituals associated with Lord Ganesh will surely produce desired results! if you would like to make a donation please click on the golden paypal "Donate" button to the right of the blog above important links! Your kind gift is greatly appreciated! :)

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