Friday, July 8, 2011

Cool Ganesh fact for the day!!

Lord Ganesh Is the gate keeper he is the mediator between this world and the spiritual world! only he can open the door for us to commune with the many other Gods and Goddess's as well as open the gate for our desires to manifest in this world, as he is also Lord over the Physical plain and the God who is seated upon the Earth.  And he is known in almost every spiritual tradition! In Voodoo he is known as Papa legba, in Santeria he is known as Ellegua and so on... he is the ruler of the five elements and stands at the crossroads with his five amazing heads each one representing one of the five elements of which all things manifest! his symbol an upright pointed star like a pentagram each point representing an element and is the Tantric symbol for the Earth of which he is Lord.

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